Amazing Web Resources

There are so many great resources online for learning coding and design that it is difficult to sort through all of them. I am going to highlight just three websites that I have found useful.

Free Code Camp

Free Code Camp is a nonprofit offering a whole curriculum in HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, as well as Git/Github, databases, Node.js, React.js, D3.js, and more, all for free. You can create an account to keep track of your progress and you can also earn different certificates. I like how there are tutorials to lead you through the main concepts, and then you are challenged with various projects where you must integrate what you have learned in order to build real applications. You can also then obtain real-world experience by contributing to open source projects used by non-profits!

MIT OpenCourseWare

MIT is one of the best universities in the world, and now anyone can access the material that is taught there. Free and universal access to concepts and ideas presented by some of the most knowledgeable people in their field – how amazing is that! No sign-up is required and you can freely browse any course at any time.

Stack Overflow

Alright, so this isn’t a tutorial website, but when you have a question or a coding issue you are having trouble resolving, this is definitely the place to come seeking insight. Answers are up-voted (or down-voted) by other members of Stack Overflow, ensuring that quality responses make their way to the top. I have yet to come across an answer that misled me.

So those are just three great resources I have had the fortune to find.  What are your favorites?

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